Elizabeth ‘G’ | Author & Campaigner

Elizabeth is a British author and podcaster who campaigns for, and is a vocal advocate of, equality for sex workers. She is currently trying to expand the scope of The Equality Act 2010 to include the sex industry in order to protect those working within it from discrimination. Her candid memoir, ‘Unashamed: Why Do People Pay for Sex?’ is out now.




* Media Comment, Expert Opinion & Interviews

Elizabeth G is available for media interviews, comment and opinion. As a staunch advocate for the rights of sex workers, and as a prominent champion of those in the industry, Elizabeth is at the forefront of campaigns aimed at criminalising discrimination against what describes as a marginalised community. Her experience extends to domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse (and getting sober), toxic relationships, narcissistic behaviour, female independence, female empowerment, sexism, body positivity, and women’s sexual needs.

* Charitable Partnerships and Collaborations

Elizabeth is actively committed to social justice and is open to opportunities for collaboration charitable organisations aligned with her values and causes. As a passionate advocate for gender equality and the empowerment of marginalised communities, she is eager to extend her expertise and resources to support the vital work of charities involved in domestic violence and to those helping people in the wider sex industry.

* Professional Brand Associations and Partnerships

Elizabeth is interested in professional collaborations with brands that contribute to the discussion around sexuality and which empower individuals to explore their desires with confidence and safety.

* Public Speaking Engagements

Elizabeth is available for a variety of in-person and virtual speaking engagements. Contact The Double Agents for talent enquiries and rate cards.


Elizabeth is a British author, podcaster, and equal rights activist who leverages her own experiences of the sex industry to affect societal and legislative change.

She is a staunch advocate for criminalising discrimination against sex workers, and is campaigning for sex work to become a protected characteristic under the Equality Act. This would make it illegal to discriminate against existing and former sex workers. Other protected characteristics include age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

Elizabeth makes no apologies about her own, 20-year career in the sex industry. Individuals should not need to seek social approval nor live behind a barrier of shame, she says. Instead, they should be free to make their own choices without the ignominy of discrimination. She conceals her full surname – using only the letter ‘G’ – purely for legal reasons and not, she says, “because I have anything whatsoever to hide or to hide from”.

With a university degree in marketing and a masters in acting, Elizabeth has drawn on her academic and life skills with the podcast, Unashamed: A Sexual Journey with Elizabeth G, and her memoir, Unashamed: Why Do People Pay for Sex? Both serve to raise awareness of female empowerment, of body positivity, and of the need for legislative reform.

Aside from activism, Elizabeth is a successful entrepreneur with a stakehold in a variety of ventures. She will be launching a number of new businesses in 2024/25 – more details to follow.


Further Information:

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Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 56 × 23 × 27 cm

Paperback, Hardcover, Audiobook, Audio CD, Kindle

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